DIRECTOR:Justin Kurzel CAST: Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Paddy Considine, SCREENWRITER: Jacob Koskoff, Michael Lesslie PRODUCER: Iain Canning, Emile Sherman, Laura Hasting CINEMATOGRAPHER: Adam Arkapaw
DIRECTOR: Jed Kurzel GENRE: Drama DISTRIBUTOR: Studio Canal (UK), The Weinstein Company (US)LOCATION: United Kingdom, France, United States RUNNING TIME: 113 Minutes
Technical Assessment: 4 Moral Assessment : 1 CINEMA Rating: V18
Macbeth (Michael Fassbender), a
royal troop leader, is a big supporter of King Duncan (David Thewlis). He likewise wins the commendation of the king
for his victorious battles. But Macbeth actually aims more than the praises of King Duncan.
Together with his wife, Lady Macbeth (Marion Cotilliard) , they
believe in the prophecies of the witches
that Macbeth will be crowned king and cannot be killed by natural born human.
During the village feast when King Duncan pronounces Malcolm (Jack Reynor) as his heir to the throne, the
couple wait for the time for Macbeth to fulfil the prophecy. He kills King
Duncan on his sleep with a dagger handed by the ghost of one of his killed
soldiers. Malcolm is the first to discover, and decides to flee out of fear. His
action makes him a suspect for the killing and spares Macbeth who becomes the
King in the absence of Malcolm. But Macbeth, now king, remains unhappy because aside from having no
heirs, the prophecy for the throne of
the king favors Banquo (Paddy Considine) who has a son. So he sends assasins to kill Banquo and his son. But only Banquo is killed and the son flees. Macduff (Sean Harris)
realizes the scheme of Macbeth and his wife, he searches and finds the
earlier pronounced heir of the throne Malcolm.
Macbeth, a Shakesperean poetry in
motion, excels in most technical aspects of the film. As a novel adaptation it
is seen with effort to level off par
excellence with the equivalent literary classic by Shakespere. Fassbender and
the rest of the cast gave their excellent acting. The director did well in his
overall treatment of transforming the actors into the characters they are
portraying. The delivery of lines were
effective and meaningful. The production design has entirely created the
requirement for the battle era that accommodated a huge number of extras for the crowd. The editing is clean and has good following of
the story.
It is good to have ambition. It
helps set direction of what a person wants to achieve in life. However, if it
is marked by greed and selfishness it may lead to his/her own demise. This is
what happened to the main character of the film Macbeth. He was overwhelmed by praises of people for his victorious
battles as a soldier. It led him to the
grievous act of murdering innocent people. The wife is as selfish as the husband in the
film. She prayed to the gods of darkness and believed in witches. She equally
met her own shameful demise for her connivance. The film was concluded with
justice served. However, the entire run of the film depicted selfish motives,
senseless murders, praying to false gods, believing in hoax prophesy, and bad influence of women. The film may have
given a lesson about pursuing ambition, but no solution was offered in the end.