Cast: Mel Gibson, Ray Winstone, Danny Huston, Bojana Novakovic, Shawn Roberts; Director: Martin Campbell; Producers: Graham King, Michael Wearing; Screenwriters: William Monahan, Andrew Bovell; Music: Howard Shore; Editor: Stuart Baird; Genre: Horror/ Suspense/ Drama; Cinematography: Phil Meheux; Distributor: Warner Bros. Pictures; Location: Massachusetts, USA Running Time: 117 min.;
Technical Assessment: 4
Moral Assessment: 2.5
CINEMA Rating: For mature viewers 18 and above
CASINO ROYALE filmmaker Martin Campbell director directs a remake of his own BBC miniseries with this thriller. Mel Gibson stars as Thomas Craven, a man who has spent year as a detective in Boston. When his own daughter is killed near the door of his home, Craven realizes that her death is only one piece of a puzzle filled with corruption and conspiracy, and it falls to him to discover who is behind the crime.
ADDITIONAL REMARKS: Film is too violent for children and teenagers.